• Oct
  • 16
  • 2012

For A Few Rupees More: Planning Good & Avoiding Bad/Ugly Investment Decisions

Posted by Anshul Mishra In GYAN, POV ON WORLD EVENTS | 1 Comment »
For A Few Rupees More: Planning Good & Avoiding Bad/Ugly Investment Decisions

When a cup of tasty coffee can be had from Rs. 5 to Rs. 500, we need to make sure that we pay for it knowing precisely what we are getting out of it. Our present is unlike our immediate past and losing what we have already is much more catastrophic than not being able to make an additional dime!

  • Sep
  • 30
  • 2012

When everyone (who can) is printing money, what global economic forces are going to shape our future?

Posted by Anshul Mishra In GYAN, POV ON WORLD EVENTS | 44 Comments »
When everyone (who can) is printing money, what global economic forces are going to shape our future?

At a time when our ability to save is reducing on a daily basis, we need to ensure that we take all precautions to avoid any reduction in the worth of what we have already got. We live in a time when our economic future is going to be determined by larger economic forces, and this shift from taking risks to make money to ensuring money is not lost is the key to a safe and painless future. Understanding these forces is the first step towards gaining better control. This article tries to explain the nature of future to come.

  • Sep
  • 22
  • 2012


Posted by Anshul Mishra In GYAN, POV ON WORLD EVENTS | 228 Comments »

New Delhi….. We have a problem! There is only so much household silverware we can sell to earn money. This country needs a better class of governance, and FDI won’t give it to them!

  • Dec
  • 20
  • 2011

How to calculate free cash flows from publicly available information

Posted by Anshul Mishra In GYAN, Mathematics Of Investing | 6 Comments »
How to calculate free cash flows from publicly available information

TweetThis article is a continuation of my article on importance of free cash flows and how they serve as an important guideline for investors to make their decisions. I have been asked by a few folks to elaborate on how to deduce this from the publicly available information and this article is an exercise to […]

  • Dec
  • 19
  • 2011

Is this the right time to invest in Indian equities? This is what I am doing…

Is this the right time to invest in Indian equities? This is what I am doing…

TweetSummary: India is the worst performing of all the markets across the world, and we deserve it. Any other way would mean that life is unfair. As things stand, we have a perfect storm of headwinds facing us, and many of these headwinds have been our own doing. I believe that the situation will be […]

  • Oct
  • 23
  • 2011

Look For Freedom In Cash Flows

Posted by Anshul Mishra In GYAN, Mathematics Of Investing | 6 Comments »
Look For Freedom In Cash Flows

TweetSummary: Free Cash flows are the most important measurement of the operating earnings of a company. Calculating them is easy, provided an investor is willing to look at the right place for the information.  In an earlier article, I had mentioned that that an investor has to invest in a company assuming that he/she is […]

  • Oct
  • 11
  • 2011

How Companies Recognize Revenue

Posted by Anshul Mishra In GYAN, What Is Important In Investing | 2 Comments »
How Companies Recognize Revenue

TweetSummary: Depending on the nature of business, companies use different approaches to recognize revenue. As an investor if one has to understand the business of a company, one has to keep an eye on what sort of contracts the company enters into its daily operations and how that dictates its financials. To do so, one […]

  • Oct
  • 10
  • 2011

How Are You Sleeping?

Posted by Anshul Mishra In GYAN, What Is Important In Investing | 8 Comments »
How Are You Sleeping?

TweetSummary: Investing is a personal activity. Hence the approach to investing also has to be a very personal activity. One has to investigate a company according to how one views life w.r.t. its important and unimportant aspects.   Imagine you run a small manufacturing unit in Central India. What scares you most? Is it that […]

  • Oct
  • 07
  • 2011

Not Everyone Who Buys Shares Is An Investor

Posted by Anshul Mishra In GYAN, What Is Important In Investing | No Comments »
Not Everyone Who Buys Shares Is An Investor

TweetRemember the times in college when you went after the most popular girl (or boy)? Remember how insecure it made you feel being in that situation because you did not know what you could do to make it better? Now go ahead a few years and remember when you decided to make a serious commitment. […]